Recommended Books

Discovering Irish Butterflies & their Habitats - J.M. Harding

photo of the recommended book

Author: Jesmond Harding
ISBN: 0956054609
Publisher: Jesmond Harding (2008)

An excellent publication that not only details all the Irish species (including recent additions) but has a comprehensive guide to their habitats.
It contains photographs of all the species (showing both genders, where differences occur) and directions to the best locations to visit to see these butterflies.

A Guide to the Butterflies of Ireland (DNFC)

photo of the recommended book

Author/Publisher: Dublin Naturalists Field Club (DNFC)
More Information from : DNFC

This is a definite must-have booklet/chart. It has colour illustrations of each of the butterflies found in Ireland, showing underwing views and male/female variations.
It has a flight time chart and brief information on the species.
It is the perfect low cost booklet for anyone interested in Irish butterflies.

The Butterflies of Ireland - Dr. Norman Hickin

photo of the recommended book

Author: Dr. Norman Hickin - edited by Tim Lavery
ISBN: 1879373017
Publisher: Roberts Rinehart Publishers

Unlike some butterfly books that include Irish species along with UK/European species, this book concentrates only on Irish species.
It contains 4 plates of colour photos covering all the species and has good illustrations, flight time charts, distribution maps (from 1992 - so somewhat out-of-date now) and detailed information on all the species found in Ireland.

Butterflies and other insects of Britain (Readers Digest)

photo of the recommended book

Author/Publisher: Readers Digest
ISBN: 0276360079

Although this book covers the butterflies found in Britain and also has details on moths and other insects it does contain all the butterfly species found in Ireland.
It includes photos, colour illustrations and distribution maps for all the butterflies.

Millennium Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland

photo of the recommended book

Authors: Jim Asher, Martin Warren, Richard Fox, Paul Harding ...
ISBN: 0198505655
Publisher: Oxford University Press

This book was compiled following the Millennium butterfly survey that was carried out in the period 1995 to 1999.
Along with detailed maps of the sightings of the butterfies, this book contains comprehensive details of the species with emphasis on population trends and the general outlook for the future of the species.